Page name: x-men origins: wolverine [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-08-31 20:58:53
Last author: ArtworkA
Owner: wolvie
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X-Men Origins: Wolverine

so Wolvie just saw x-men origins and decided to make a rpg about it :D yes lame i know but still it was intense now go watch it ya donkey :D

ya'll should know wolvie's rules by now so damnit just follow em ya bastards

oooh i forgot we needs this two XD teh origins of teh sex XD

k you can be anyone from teh movie or you can make up your own :D


Name: Logan/Wolverine [Real name is James Howlett III but hasn't gone by that name in years]
Age: 175 years old [that's me and mai bro's rough estimate :D but he doesn't age like a normal human]
Sexuality: Straight but vaguelly curious about what it would be like to be witha man
Gender: Male
Mutation: he has healing powers, retractable bone claws, and animal like senses
Past History: Killed his father Thomas Logan when he was 11 years old, ran away with his brother Victor Creed, has fought in multiple wars with his brother and has currently left the army tired of the constant bloodshed of wars, he is looking to start a quiet life in Canada
Other Info: none yet

Name: Victor Creed
Age: 176
Sexuality: Straight
Gender: Male
Mutation: He has healing powers, claw like nails that he can grow out, and animal like senses
Past History: Is brother's with Logan, has fought in multiple wars alongside his brother and got increasingly more and more violent and out of control with each war, he will not hesitate to kill anyone who gets in his way, he is now rounding up mutants to experiment on

Name: Anne Marie though she likes to be called Alex.
Age: 21
Sexuality: Straight
Gender: Female
Mutation: she can read minds, control men's actions by looking into their eyes, she has claws made from adamantium [but this wasnt by experiment somehow thats how she was born], she can shoot the claws from her knuckles and replace them with new ones, and she can control weather
Past History: She was kicked out of her home when her parents found out what she was and since then its only been like 2 yrs she's been travelling around. She now leaves in a quaint little cabin in the woods and works as a lumbjerjack.
Other Infor: None yet

Name: Lexis
Age: 150
Sexuality: Straight
Gender: Female
Mutation: she can read minds, control people's actions, mess with their senses and make them believe something thats not real, also she is freakishly good with swords [kinda like wade :D], also she has healing powers, she is able to transfer her powers to anyone for a period of time, also she is a guardian/esper type, and she can make a copy of people's powers for her own use
Past History: she was found to be different then most so they locked her away beneath what is now a military complex in a crystal, though once released she listens and obeys whomever was able to free her as her master
Other Info: is currently waiting to be released from her prison

Name: Rogue
Age: 17
Sexuality: Bi
Gender: female
Mustation: she can drain, energy, life, and mutant abilities along with memories of people that she touches, also without noticing she did accidently drain from a anthro and can also shift into a wolf but she doesnt know yet
Past History: she doesnt know of her power yet so she's living a normal life
Other info: meh
<img:><----normal form
<img:><----wolf form

Name:Dianna Hawking
Appearance:slightly wavy black hair, not too skinny, not muscular looking, wears ripped jeans and black t-shirts
gender: Female
Mutation:Eyes change colour,super strong, can withstand extreme cold, heals quickly except for burns. She hasn't aged a bit since seventeen, and can read and manipulate peoples minds.
Past history:Ran from her home in England when she was nineteen, spent some time in Romania before relocating again to Canada.

Name: Ema
Age: 21
Sexuality: bi curious
Gender: female
Mutation:Can control weather and can heal herself
Past History:See was 17 when she found out about the ability. She ended up running away from her home cause her parents thought of her as a monster. SHe has killed nice people cause of her ability. Some times her emotions cause bad and dangerous weather.

[shadows of life]
Name: Shade
Age: 19
Sexuality: straight
Gender: Male
Mutation: shadow control and shapeshifting
Past History: He does talk about his past

Name: Max (He doesn't have a last name for he doesn't remember.)
Age: 13 almost 14
Sexuality: straight
Gender: Male
Mutation: He can turn into a black wolf, and also has wolf senses
Past History: He was given up at birth and spent years in foster care till he was nine and first turned. He ran away after they tryed his for attempted murder. He now lives on the street from town to town.
Other Info: He doesn't trust any one.

[Tis gone but never gone]
Name:Lucy Drake
Mutation:Flight, Ability to generate and control lava, Fire manipulation, Earth manipulation.
Past History:Lucy Drake was abandoned by her mother when she was just a toddler because she could not control her shape-shifting back then, and thus, remained in her half human, half fire form.She was taken in by her outcast uncle and auntie who where mutants, they raised her as there own until she was 18 and she went off to college, right now she is doing her teacher training in a school for mutants.
Other Info:
<img400*0:stuff/icle--large-msg-118298380537.jpg><img:stuff/hot-girl-thumb9317092.jpg>[<---in mutant form]

This Wiki is being Restarted :D

<img:><img300*0:stuff/American%20Alligator%20-%20Texas%204-06%20-%20033.JPG> [<-in alligator form]
Ep name-[HeAVenShallBuRN]
Character name-Roknar Keller
Age- 17
Gender- Male
Sexuality- Straight
Weapons-Jaws, fangs, brute Strength
Power: Animal shifter [Think beast boy from Teen titans except..he's not always green]
Personallity-Depressed, sat, hurt, alone, suicidal
History-Go away...

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2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Logan nods a little, "And how much more powerful does it make you?"

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: alex, "I heard it makes you pretty much indestructable"

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Logan nods, "I see...."

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alex nods, "Yep though it hurts like hell and only a few can actually survive it"

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Logan, "How can you know if you will survive it?"

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alex shrugs, "pray like hell?"

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Logan nods a little, "Where are they doing it do you know?"

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: alex, "some military complex"

2009-06-17 [Silverline]: Dianna starts walking, searching for Victor's thoughts.

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Logan nods then gets up and starts walking

Victor is deep asleep

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alex tilts her head then follows after Logan, "you're not going are you?"

2009-06-17 [Silverline]: Dianna finds Victor in the sea of minds and chuckles. She gives him a nightmare.

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Logan nods, "Yes I am"

Victor shivers and moans softly in his sleep as he has nightmares

2009-06-17 [Silverline]: Dianna increases the intensity of the nightmare, chuckling.

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Victor shakes and thrashes around

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lexis frowns walking back inside and then prods into Victor's mind, "Victor awaken now!"

alex frowns, "but why?"

2009-06-17 [Silverline]: Dianna makes Victor wake up screaming

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Victor jumps and sits up, shaking lightly

Logan, "I have my reasons..."

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lexis, "You ok?"

Alex nods.

2009-06-17 [Silverline]: Dianna snickers.

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Victor hugs his knneeds to his chest and shakes, "y-y-yea..."

Logan keeps walking

2009-06-17 [Silverline]: Dianna gives Victor calming thoughts and mutters to herself. "darn my having a conscience..."

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lexis frowns and draws him in close.

Alex, "I really dont think you should be doing this"

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Victor keeps shaking but slowly relaxes from the calming thoughts

Logan shrugs a little

2009-06-17 [Silverline]: Dianna sighs and speaks into Victor's mind. I'm sorry,

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lexis smiles a little.

Alex, "do you ever listen to anyone?"

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Victor relaxes and frowns a little at Dianna's speaking

Logan stops and looks at her, "Yes everytime I do I get hurt"

2009-06-17 [Silverline]: Dianna starts walking toward Victor

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lexis stands up and stands in front of Victor.

Alex frowns, "Im sorry..."

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Victor looks at Dianna nervously

Logan shrugs, "Not your problem"

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lexis stands there, "what do you want?"

Alex nods.

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Logan nods then starts walking again

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alex keeps following him.

2009-06-17 [Silverline]: Dianna looks Lexis up and down. "Came to check on my aquaintance here."

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Victor watches the two

Logan ignores Alex and gets to the base

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lexis growls softly, "why? moments ago you were torturing the man i highly doubt he's an acquaintenance"

Alex frowns still thinking that this is a bad idea.

2009-06-17 [Silverline]: "I get a little carried away sometimes." Dianna growls back

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Logan signs all the paperwork and everything then strips his clothes and gets into the tank thing

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lexis rolls her eyes, "please save the stories"

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alex hides and watches carefully.

2009-06-17 [Silverline]: Dianna tilts her head, then shakes it to clear it. She turns to Victor. "I'm sorry. Are you feeling any better?"

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lexis, "he's fine and im seeing to that"

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Victor nods then grabs his walkie-talkie and listens carefully, slowly starting to smile when he hears that Logan is going to get the experiment done on him

Logan stays calm and requests new dog-tags with 'wolverine' written on them then tries to relax as he's lowered into the water and the needles lower around him

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lexis smiles seeing Victor smile, "they've got him sir?"

Alex tilts her head wondering why he wants to them to say tangerine [like that mrweebl youtube vid XD] but then realizes he said wolverine ohhh....

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Victor nods and gets up quickly, "Yes and I want to watch it"

[most epic youtube vid ever XD] Logan can't help but shake slightly as they ready everything

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lexis nods and teleports her and Victor to the room looking around, "looks like we have a mystery watcher sir"

Alex frowns more i should stop this

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Victor shrugs, "Let them watch I'll deal with them later" he says and watches Logan careful

Logan winces in pain and silently screams, thrashing around violently as the needles go into him and start injecting the adamantium

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lexis walks over picking up Alex and bringing her over near Victor, "why not have a better view dear"

Alex is trying to get away from her, "Let me go!"

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Victor smirks and grabs Alex roughly, forcing her to watch the experiment, "Just relax and enjoy the show"

Logan's heart rate and blood pressure rapidly shoot up

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alex shakes more, "NO!"

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Victor smirks more, biting roughly at Alex's ears, "Oh why not dear it's quite an entertaining show don't you think?"

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alex squeaks but tries to pull away from him, "let me go!"

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Victor chuckles, "No just watch" then he smirks more, "It doesn't look like he's gonna make tragic"

Logan finally can't take the pain anymore as he flatlines

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: lexis smirks.

Alex screams and tries to pull away.

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Victor smirks, "Awww what's the matter darlin? Why ya screamin?"

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alex growls and struggles against Victor pushing out her claws, "let me go!"

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Victor smirks and holds her tighter, "No"

Logan slowly starts to breath again

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alex starts shaking more still struggling.

Lexis, "sir he's breathing"

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Victor ignores Alex and looks at Logan closely, "Well...I'm surprised...he's stronger then I thought"

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lexis nods.

Alex bites Victor's hand.

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Victor winces and lets go of Alex just as the general [or whatever he was can't remember for sure >.<] tell's the people to erase all of Logan's memories

Logan hears the General and starts to shake from anger, pushing his now adamantium claws out and breaking loose of the restraints as he sits up and snarls loudly

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alex jumps then backs away and against Victor shaking.

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Victor smirks more and pushes Alex ahead of him, wanting to see if Logan'll slash at her

Logan snarls and jumps out of the tank, slashing at some of the people, narrowly avoiding Alex before he runs outside and jumps off of a waterfall

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alex jumps and squeaks shaking

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Victor chuckles then throws Alex away from him

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alex shakes more then gets up and runs.

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Logan shakes, managing to find an abandoned cabin and some old clothes, he dresses himself then lays down, shaking from cold and pain

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alex frowns searching for Logan's thoughts Logan? where are you?

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Logan shakes more, his thoughts very jumbled and confused, he mananges to tell Alex his location through his thoughts

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alex quickly finds him, "you ok?"

Lexis, "well that was fun?"

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Logan keeps shaking but nods a little, "Yea..."

Victor smirks, "Very"

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alex kneels next to him frowning a little.

Lexis, "though someone could have gotten hurt or something"

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Logan is still dripping wet from the freezing waterfall and keeps shaking lightly

Victor, "So?"

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alex frowns but makes the cabin warmer for Logan.

Lexis shrugs, "It just would have made it a little bit more fun"

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Logan slowly stops shaking and falls into a light sleep

Victor smiles, "It would have but oh well"

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alex sits against the wall trying to stay awake.

Lexis smiles back, "not oh well" she smirks pulling out one sword and running it through one of the men's chest, "there much better"

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Logan snores softly

Victor smirks, "I like the way you think"

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alex finally falls asleep.

Lexis bows, "why im honored then"

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Victor chuckles, "Shall we go hunting?"

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lexis smiles, "well what for?"

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Victor smiles back, "Wolverine"

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lexis nods, "sounds fun"

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Victor nods and heads out

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lexis follows after him.

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Victor smirks, sniffing around carefully

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lexis looks around, "you got anything?"

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Victor gets to the water and smirks, "He went down the waterfall"

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lexis looks over the edge, "he could've survived"

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Victor, "Maybe but after just going through the experiment it's not likely"

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lexis, "but what if that girl finds him?"

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Victor, "That's true, can you get us down there?"

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lexis nods and teleports them down to the bottom.

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Victor starts looking around again

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lexis nods and looks as well.

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Victor, "See anything?"

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lexis shakes her head, "the only thing i can find is one area seems warmer than the rest"

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Victor, "What area?"

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lexis points in the direction, "that way"

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Victor nods and heads that way

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lexis follows after him.

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Victor see's the cabin and smirks

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lexis, "they're both there"

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Victor smirks more, "I know and they're in for a rude awakening"

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lexis, "well good"

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Victor chuckles, "What shall we do to them?"

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lexis shrugs.

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Victor starts towards the cabin

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lexis follows after him.

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Victor smirks and gets to the door then runs his claws over the door loudly to wake them up

Logan opens his eyes slowly, still mostly out of it

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alex jumps, "w...who...who's there?"

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Victor smirks more, "Girl scouts"

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alex frowns, "go away"

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Victor chuckles, "Why? I just want to visit and check on my dear little brother"

Logan shakes weakily

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alex, "Like hell you do"

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Victor smirks and scratches the door again, "Let me in and I'll let you go"

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alex, "go away"

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Victor digs his claws into the wood deeper, "Why?"

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alex squeaks, "go!"

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Victor chuckles, "Should we go Lexis?"

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lexis, "Nah"

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Victor smirks then nods and claws at the door more

Logan sits up weakily, "Victor go away!"

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alex backs against the wall.

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Victor chuckles and forces his way inside then looks at them, "Look how cute Lexis a mutt and a bitch"

Logan growls slightly and pushes out his claws

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alex growls, "You bastard"

Lexis, "you losing your mind? cute is not the right word" she chuckles.

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Victor chuckles, "What one do you want?"

Logan growls

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lexis, "Im thinkin the guy im not going to do anything but im sure you'd have more fun with the girl"

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Victor smirks, "Alright"

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lexis pulls out her blades, "come here puppy"

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Logan sighs and looks at Alex, "I'm sorry..." he says then growls and gets up weakilly, pushing his claws out to fight Lexis

Victor smirks then pounces Alex

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lexis smirks and lunges at Logan

Alex tries to push Victor away.

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Logan growls and tries to block Lexis

Victor chuckles and holds her tightly, "Just relax and enjoy the ride"

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lexis tackles Logan holding a blade to his neck, "Too easy"

Alexy shakes more trying to pull away

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Logan winces and growls, "Let me go"

Victor smirks and grinds himself against her roughly

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lexis uses handle of her blade to force his head to the side, "Why not watch the show?"

Alex shakes and tries not to cry.

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Logan winces and struggles to get free and help Alex, he growls and manages to slash Lexis' arm

Victor chuckles at Alex and uses his claws to slash her clothes off, smirking when he cuts her a few times

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lexis smacks Logan and growls making sure to hold his arms down, "Dont fuck with me"

Alex whimpers.

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Logan growls loudly and spits in Lexis' face

Victor smirks and rapes her visciously

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lexis growls trying to ignore that.

Alex screams a little then shakes.

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Logan watches Victor and shakes with anger

Victor smirks, throwing her aside roughly and pulling his pants back up, "You want more?"

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alex doesnt say anything she just stays very quiet

Lexis pins logan using her mind control then stands up wiping off her face.

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Victor smirks and looks at Alex, "What did he do to you?"

Logan growls

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lexis, "bastard spit on me but lets go before i decapitate him"

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Victor chuckles, "You can decapitate him if you wish"

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lexis, "Nah no challenge"

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Victor nods, "Come on let's go" he says then leaves

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lexis follows him smirking.

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Victor, "Did you enjoy yourself?"

logan shakes then crawls over to Alex, " alright?"

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lexis, "For the most part"

Alex frowns, "my clothes are ruined"

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Victor smirks, "Why only for the most part?"

LOgan frowns, "It'll be alright we'll get you more"

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lexis, "He could have been more of a challenge really"

Alex nods a little.

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Victor chuckles

Logan gets up and goes through the closet then gently hands her some clothes

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lexis nods.

Alex quickly gets dressed.

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Victor gets back and lays down tiredly

Logan looks away as she dresses

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lexis sits down.

Alex sighs

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Victor falls deep asleep

Logan, "I'm sorry kid..."

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alex, "dont be..."

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Logan, "Well I am...and see that's exactly why I did the damned experiment...I need to stop him"

2009-06-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alex, "It wouldnt have mattered or should i say it wont"

2009-06-17 [wolvie]: Logan frowns, "What do you mean?"

2009-06-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alex, "You cant stop him. its impossible"

2009-06-18 [wolvie]: Logan, "I can try"

2009-06-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alex nods, "true"

2009-06-18 [wolvie]: Logan nods then sighs and lays down

2009-06-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alex sighs a little and looks around.

2009-06-18 [wolvie]: Logan, "Get some rest kid"

2009-06-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alex, "Im not tired"

2009-06-18 [wolvie]: Logan, "Well what're you going to do? I mean if you need a place to stay you can stay with me"

2009-06-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alex shrugs, "I dont know what im going to do"

2009-06-18 [wolvie]: Logan nods, "Fair enough but the offer stands"

2009-06-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alex nods, "I'll think about it"

2009-06-18 [wolvie]: Logan nods, "Alright"

2009-06-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alex nods and stays quiet i could go back to the school...but he easily got on the grounds....

2009-06-18 [wolvie]: Logan just looks at the ceiling and frowns

2009-06-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alex, but here he still got to nowhere safe?

2009-06-18 [wolvie]: Logan, the fucker killed her...he killed my dogs...he raped her...he's not getting away with it anymore

2009-06-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alex, he'd at least try...i'll stay with him

2009-06-18 [wolvie]: Logan shakes his head a little and rolls to his side, I'll get him...

2009-06-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alex lays down a little.

2009-06-18 [wolvie]: Logan relaxes slightly

2009-06-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alex curls up and yawns.

2009-06-18 [wolvie]: Logan sighs then falls asleep

2009-06-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Alex sleeps as well.

2009-06-18 [wolvie]: Victor gets up early the next morning and stretches

2009-06-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lexis curls up more.

2009-06-18 [wolvie]: Victor stretches and goes to get coffee

2009-06-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lexis yawns and sits up.

2009-06-18 [wolvie]: Victor gets irritated and throws his coffee mug at the wall >.< "I don't want decaf damnit >.<"

2009-06-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lexis jumps and flicks her wrist and changes the coffee to non-decaf, "there it isnt decaf anymore"

2009-06-18 [wolvie]: Victor grumbles and gets a fresh mug

2009-06-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lexis chuckles, "calm down"

2009-06-18 [wolvie]: Victor >,< "Why?"

2009-06-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lexis, "cause its just coffee"

2009-06-18 [wolvie]: Victor, "Wrong it's my cofee"

2009-06-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lexis, "but still coffee none the less"

2009-06-18 [wolvie]: Victor growls

2009-06-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lexis, "growl all you want furball"

2009-06-18 [wolvie]: Victor -,- "Don't make me kill you"

2009-06-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lexis, "You cant kill me"

2009-06-18 [wolvie]: Victor, "WHY NOT?!?!?!?!"

2009-06-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lexis, "cause you cant"

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